All Progress Observed

Everything we do in this world is defined by relationships.
The most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves.

Having a relationship with ourselves, which is often overlooked, means being aware of what's going on inside our mind and body, our thoughts and our emotions, and firstly recognising that we are neither; we are the one that hears the thought and feels the emotion.Building a loving relationship with ourselves requires understanding and nurturing our relationship with our ego. By bringing in awareness and observing what's going on, we can switch off the auto-pilot and begin to regain the power of choice, which is crucial to our capacity for self-love.As our awareness grows, our identification with the ego and its many stories diminishes, creating space to allow our true selves to start shining through. Our sense of self, when derived from beyond the confines of our mind, is infinite!

Hi, I'm Alex Parker-Owen

and I'd love to meet you!

In 2014 I had my first glimpse of the truth of who I am. The catalyst was the immense pain of separating from my long term romantic partner and my desperation to find a way to end the suffering - after years of anxiety and depression it felt like my whole world had come crashing down.Since then I've been on a beautiful and challenging journey of self-discovery that has taken me deep inside myself and deeper into my relationships with those I love - including marrying the person I separated from with all those years ago. It's a journey that never ends and it's a blessing.I would love to create a space for you to feel comfortable exploring your own inner depths and to be of service to you by gently guiding you along the way.I know the challenges because I'm living the process, I understand the patience & compassion required, I recognise the importance of a calm, collected presence and I'm comfortable being vulnerable; this is precisely what makes me different from lots of other coaches.I experience genuine joy in witnessing the joy of others.

Holding Space

Our innate ability to find the answers we seek is paramount to
fundamental shifts in perspective that positively affect our lives.

Our default mode, under the illusion of inadequacy, is to seek answers from some external source but there is nothing quite like stumbling upon our own, inner realisation; arrived at by simply giving ourselves the chance to arrive there.As your coach, my main focus is to create a space for you to think and reflect as deeply as you feel comfortable. All the while, gently guiding you toward the root of the question you seek to answer, even when you're not sure what that question is.Together, we'll delve into the sub-conscious mind to learn what's really driving the decisions you make. By becoming conscious of what is hidden, we create new neural pathways in our brains and through repetition, we strengthen those pathways. As we divert attention away from the things that no longer serve us, we direct energy toward creating lasting change.Each of us is perfectly capable of finding the solutions we need but the content of our lives dimishes our capacity to do so. The mental programming we each received, from our individual upbringing, creates the frame through we which we view everything. A shift in perspective opens us up to a whole new world of possibility; a whole new frame through which to observe, experience, process, and find answers.In a world of continuous distraction, there is incredible value in having uninterrupted time to think, to witness, to simply be.

Let me ask you a question...

  • Are you tired of emotions dictating your life?

  • Are you fed up with being triggered by certain people or events?

  • Are you exhausted, disconnected, overwhelmed or burnt out?

  • Are you desperate for deeper connections with loved ones?

  • Are you longing for your life to be different?

Is your answer 'yes' or 'sometimes'? Let's talk.

Our potential is limited by what we think we're capable of and the language we use when we talk about ourselves and the situations in our lives. Changing how we think and what we say increases the flow of energy toward harnessing more of our potential.The path to understanding yourself is unique to you and it begins with radical honesty about where you are right now. Life can sometimes feel like a carousel, but by acknowledging the progress you make along the way, you'll notice that you're actually in an upward spiral towards the person you're meant to become.I focus on meeting you exactly where you are, and through an offering of new perspectives, reflection, mentorship and heart-centred coaching, I'll support you on your journey from where you are right now to where you want to be.

  • Would you like to experience effortless positivity?

  • Would you like your mind to be a quiet space?

  • Would you like to have harmonious relationships?

  • Would you like to overcome challenges in your life?

  • Would you like to be optimistic about your future?

What others have said...


"I'm truly grateful for your support in enhancing my mental health and overall growth. Our sessions provide a safe space for me to express myself, and your encouragement to prioritize self-care and improvement has had a positive impact on various aspects of my life."


"I'd like to express my gratitude for the incredible support and guidance you have provided me throughout my journey. Your exceptional leadership and dedication to my professional growth have made a significant impact."


"Alex has helped me in a lot of ways to gain confidence in myself and handle the anxiety issues I have had for years and has provided me a release valve to vent my issues in a safe environment."


"During the sessions, we looked at past experiences, how I had handled them, and how I could believe that I could overcome difficulties through developing self-belief and determination. The coaching sessions have been a great success."

Take the next step...

Would you like to deepen your sense of self and witness the magic that occurs in your life and the relationships all around you?

Send me an email or a message on Telegram to arrange a free intro session.
I'm excited to begin our journey together.

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